EarthCyles Radio

    Climate Justice, People vs Fossil Fuels,

 Take Action for Climate Emergency 

Defund the Military Industry

Understanding De-colonization

Indigenous Environmental Network Executive Director Tom Goldtooth is leading a 28-member delegation of organizational staff and leadership and Indigenous frontline community representatives dealing with a plethora of environmental issues to the city of Dubai on the Persian Gulf Coast for the 28th Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) taking place from November 30 to December 12, 2023


Listen to Live Radio.......... Time to Work for Peace...... there is no way to Peace..... Peace is the Way

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Audio Archives

Chief Judy Wilson, Secwepemc, UBCIC – Glasgow March: “Global Day of Action for Climate Justice” 6Nov2021

08 November 2021

Demetrius Johnson, NDN Collective – Glasgow March: “Global Day of Action for Climate Justice” 6Nov2021

08 November 2021

Banchi Hanuse with: BINESHI ALBERT, Yuchi & Annishinaabe, Climate Justice Alliance – No Net Zero – Glasgow March: “Global Day of Action for Climate Justice” 6Nov2021

08 November 2021

Ta’Kaiya Blaney, Tla’amin – Glasgow March: “Global Day of Action for Climate Justice” 6Nov2021

08 November 2021

Michael Charles, Diné (Navajo) – Glasgow COP26 – 8Nov2021

08 November 2021

Free Palestine is a Climate Justice Issue Teach-In

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